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E-governance leads the way: E-Gov Development Index (EGDI) 2022

Date: 15 December, 2022

Reading Time: 1 Minute

15 December, 2022 · Reading Time: 1 Minute

E-governance leads the way: E-Gov Development Index (EGDI) 2022

E-governance leads the way: E-Gov Development Index (EGDI) 2022

Bangladesh ranked 111th in the overall E-Gov Development Index (EGDI) 2022 with a value of 0.5630, having risen eight places since last year and 37 places over the last eight years, a testament to the government’s tireless efforts to simplify public service delivery and make it more equitable.

As per the report, Bangladesh has shown tremendous growth in terms of digital financial account access through the proliferation of branchless banking, taking full-service retail banking to the doorsteps of rural citizens across the country, and soaring mobile financial services (MFS). 

a2i has played a major role in developing ‘Citizen’s Choice Architecture’ for digital payments of social safety net programs-such as elderly allowance, allowance for widowed, deserted, and destitute women, allowance for financially-insolvent disabled people.

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