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Seminar on ‘e-Quality Center for Inclusive Innovation’ held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

12 August, 2023

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Seminar on ‘e-Quality Center for Inclusive Innovation’ held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Dhaka, Bangladesh; 12 August, 2023: A seminar on the ‘e-Quality Centre for Inclusive Innovation’ was jointly organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Aspire to Innovate (a2i). This program highlighted the concept and objective of the ‘e-Quality Centre for Inclusive Innovation.’ Chairman of the Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) Ambassador A F M Gousal Azam Sarker was the Chief Guest at the seminar and Mr. Md Shamsul Arefin, Secretary of Information and Communication Technology Division joined as Special Guest. The seminar was attended by the members of the diplomatic corps based in Dhaka and officials of the relevant government organizations.

In his speech, the Chief Guest highlighted the significance of zero digital divide, and global teamwork among partners and communities to bridge the digital gap and elevate citizens’ quality of life. He highlighted that the “E-quality Center for Inclusive Growth” is a pivotal step in realizing the vision of a “Smart Bangladesh.” This initiative is not merely a center; it is a catalyst for change, a beacon of hope marking Bangladesh’s unwavering commitment to leave no one behind in the digital age. It underscores the government’s resolve to transform the digital landscape into a platform where opportunities are abundant and accessible, regardless of socio-economic status or geographical location. This center is more than a brick-and-mortar institution; it embodies the aspirations of a nation, of global citizens that share the vision of a digitally inclusive world. It symbolizes the fusion of innovation and inclusivity, where technology becomes an enabler for progress, and growth becomes a shared experience.

The Secretary of the ICT Division said that the past COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the indispensable requirement for quality digital connectivity in accessing essential services, education, and economic prospects. This ‘e-Quality Centre’ is focusing on pivotal areas: South-South Technology Transfer to bring validated digital solutions to underserved communities, International ICT Innovation Matching Fund Facility to support tailored digital solutions, and Digital Divide Research to ensure equitable access. These efforts strive to bridge the digital gap, empower nations, and drive global-scale inclusive digital transformation, ensuring that technology’s benefits are accessible to everyone.

Director General of the ITIT and ICT Wing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Syed Muntasir Mamun moderated the seminar. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlighted the various approaches to development and both a right based and a marker-based approach towards solving wicked problems. The Foreign Office also stressed the need for undertaking joint initiatives across the south-south and south-south-north spectrum. The event was successfully concluded with an enthusiastic response from attendees, who acknowledged Bangladesh’s leadership in shaping a more inclusive digital landscape.